In Denmark, an extended service certificate exists for guidance in use of public tenders. The service certificate is issued by the Danish Business Authority and contains data from ATP (the Danish labour market supplementary pension fund), the Danish Tax Agency, the Probate Court, and the National Police of Denmark.
Unfortunately, this data is not available for foreign companies with an interest in Danish public tenders. This means, that foreign companies cannot obtain a service certificate, but yet they are still obliged to present the same documentation as the Danish companies.
Link: e-Certis
Are you in use of foreign subcontractors who are required to present ESPD-documentation?
When submitting tenders, companies can make use of e-Certis – a portal that states the specific documentation requirements for a respective EU-country. In e-Certis, the user can obtain specific country-based data of requirements regarding tender submission.
In addition, the subcontractors also have access to data requirements. Further acquisition of documentation must be done either by extracts from relevant registers, certificates or equivalent documents issued by relevant authorities.
Are you a foreign company that wishes to bid on public tenders in Denmark?
If you as a foreign company wishes to bid on public tenders in Denmark, you must follow the same procedure as made for foreign subcontractors. At e-Certis, you can find information on what documentation is required, and afterwards apply for the documentation needed at the local authorities.
Do you need help?
If you want to know more, please feel free to contact CEO Jimmy Holst Rydahl on +45 6040 7848 or